
Months of stretching

Been a bit since I last posted, amazing what lives we live and how they change. Sometimes bit by bit and others by leaps that hurt and are exhilarating all at the same time. I read this book recently and it seemed to be an answer to those nagging questions rolling around in my head. What is true happiness? Am I doing all I can for God, serving Him with everything I have? Why do I feel as though life sometimes slips through my fingers with missed opportunities?

Recently joy has been my word to go to, to live life with joy. This has worked well, until I get tired, till I feel like I'm the only one with joy and everyone else is just draining me till I'm a dry hollow shell. Then, well it can get ugly. The answer is not so easy to get to...and yet SO simple. Instead of trying to be joy for my husband, for my kids ( and it is amazing how my attitude influences everyone around me) I am to live fully, serve fully in this moment for HIM. When I crack, I am forgiven, by HIM. When I think, there is no more in me, it is remembered - HE gives all, it is not within my grasp to give anything, but HE gives all. Grace, Love, Joy. And I am filled up with His love.